Transmission tune-ups, phony flushes, and other tall tales my mechanic (almost) sold me. “That will be $326 dollars, ma’am.” I was waiting patiently for my…
It’s a warm sunny day on the Columbia River. Dr. Pasha Rudenko finishes applying a specially formulated TriboTEX treatment to the gearbox of a 2650HP…
EXAMPLE In the United States we measure with fuel economy by stating MPG (miles per gallon) or distance per unit volume. In Europe vehicles are…
Nanotechnology, like the tech found in TriboTEX, is a cornerstone that the future will be built on. Science, medicine, engineering – you name it –…
Vladimir is the production manager and Ph.D. from Washington State University who comes to TriboTEX via funding from the American Society of Engineers. Vlad immigrated…